Etter en spennende helg med safari var mitt opphold på African Heart Backpackers over. Jeg pakket med meg alle sakene mine og flyttet til Once in Cape Town i 73 Kloof Street. Dette hostelet ligger bokstavelig talt på samme plass som kaféen, restauranten og utestedet Yours Truly. Med andre ord veldig lettvint!
/ After the exciting safari, I moved from African Heart Backpackers to another hostel closer to the City Centre. I packed all of my things and moved in at Once in Cape Town, located in 73 Kloof Street. This hostel is at the exact same place as the Yours Truly, a cafeteria, restaurant and bar. In other words, very convenient.
Her skulle jeg tilbringe mine siste dager. Standarden på dette hostelet er mye bedre enn det forrige hostelet, mens African Heart er mye mer hjemmekoselig. På Once in Cape Town får man frokost på Yours Truly, noe jeg benyttet hyppig. En croissant, litt müsli, en cappuccino, en banan og iskaldt vann sier man ikke nei takk til?
/ Here I was going to stay my last few days. The standard and the look in this hostel is very modern and much better than the other hostel, while African Heart is much more cozy. So really, it’s up to what you would like. During my stay at Once in Cape Town you will get breakfast at Yours Truly. A croissant, some müsli, a cappuccino, a banana and ice cold water, you can’t say no to that?
Yours Truly i Kloof Street visste jeg om før jeg flyttet til Once in Cape Town fordi Matt og jeg tidligere hadde vært der da vi dro ut sammen med vennene hans i begynnelsen av oppholdet. Derfor gledet jeg meg veldig til å kunne ha mulighet til å tilbringe tid der daglig. Siden jeg har sansen for botaniske hager storkoser jeg meg med en kopp kaffe og grønne planter rundt meg. I tillegg er servicen alltid på topp og du føler deg alltid velkommen.
/ I knew about Yours Truly in Kloof Street from before cause Matt and I went out there with his friends during my first days down here. Therefore, I was really looking forward to be able to spend some time there, in the botanical surroundings, daily. I love to have a coffee, write in my diary and sit there among green plants. Also, the people who is working there is great and you will always feel welcome.
Yours Truly i Long Street er mye mindre, men fortsatt like koselig og botanisk. Stan (en kompis fra Holland) og jeg møtte hverandre for en lunsj der. Med andre ord kan jeg anbefale alle hostelene jeg har bodd på og jeg kan anbefale Yours Truly for de som er over middels glad i good vibes og grønne planter.
/ The Yours Truly that is located in Long Street is much smaller than the one i Kloof, but it is still very cozy and botanical. Stan (a friend of mine from Holland) met there and had lunch together. Awesome. In other words, I can recommend all of the hostels that I have stayed at this far, and I can recommend Yours Truly for those who would like good vibes and green plants all over the place while drinking orange juice. Cheers.