Hello, human sunflowers! I hope that you’re ready for a new personal growth video that I’m excited to share with you. This time, I wanted to spread some awareness on why courage is essential to thrive in life. Because truly, the courage to live, say no, and care have been THE core values that’s brought be to where I am today.
In this video, I first share how I first was introduced to MOT/COURAGE, a Norwegian non-profit foundation that works for and with young people and aims to build courageous young individuals. Second, I present one exercise from MOT that completely changed my perspective on life and that made me think of everyone as equal. Lastly, I talk about the three core values I took away from having MOT in school, and that try to align my life with every single day.
At what point in your life did you have to be courageous? How are you planning to be courageous from now on?
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