Byron Bay, endelig. Etter elendig søvn på nattbussen fra Sydney var det deilig å komme fram til varmere temperatur, solskinn og sand mellom tærne. Siden kroppen var ganske sliten droppet jeg første surfetimen. I stedet utforsket Duke og jeg Byron Bay.
/ Byron Bay, finally. After some miserable sleep on the Sydney night bus, it was lovely to arrive in Byron. Warmer temperatures, sunshine and sand between my toes. Since my body was quite tired I dropped the first surf lesson. Instead, Duke and I explored Byron Bay.
Treehouse on Belongil, 25 Childe St, Byron Bay
Først vandret vi langs stranden med den hensikt å finne en koselig kafé å spise frokost. Vi fant Treehouse on Belongil som hadde et helt spesielt preg.. Gamle sofaer og lenestoler som bestemor kunne hatt i stuen sin kombinert med fjernsyn som viser amerikanske 70-tallsvideoer. Med grønne planter hengende ned fra taket ble det skapt en deilig atmosfære.
/ First we strolled along the beach with the intention of finding a cozy cafe to have breakfast. We found Treehouse on Belongil which had a very special touch. Old sofas and armchairs like my grandmother could have had in her living room combined with television in the bar showing American 70’s videos. With green plants hanging down from the ceiling, it truly made a cozy atmosphere.
Førsteinntrykket av Byron Bay er at det er en tilbakelent hippie-by hvor innbyggerne ikke tar livet spesielt seriøst. Langs veien ser man van etter van etter van. “Home is where the ocean is” stod det på en av dem. Overalt ser man musikere i gatene, gjerne med skilt foran seg hvor det står “Help me travel the world”.
/ My first impression of Byron Bay is that it’s a hippie town where people don’t really take life very serious. Along the roads you’ll see van after van after van. “Home is where the ocean is”, it said on one of them. Everywhere you go, you’ll see musicians in the streets, often with a sign in front of them where it says “Help me travel the world”.
Denne dagen var det marked nede ved sjøen siden det har vært festival her. På markedet kjøpt vi oss ikke stort annet enn en juice, men det er helt klart inspirerende å vandre rundt og ta en titt på de lokales håndlagde produkter. Før lunsj tok vi oss en svømmetur i den varme sjøen. Deilig!
/ We were very lucky cause it was a marked by the ocean because it’s been a festival here in Byron. Of course there were lots of good stuff in the market, but we only bought ourselves some juices. Else we just got inspired by the locals handmade products. Before lunch we went for a swim in the warm ocean. So good!
Orgasmic Food Byron Bay, 11 Bay Ln, Byron Bay
En av de lokale på markedet anbefalte oss å spise på Orgasmic. Mens solnedgangen sakte med sikkert kom spiste vi en deilig burrito og drakk chai te. Vil absolutt si at første dag i Byron var tilfredstillende til tross for at det ble en rolig dag. Videre blir det surfing og ikke minst skydiving!
/ One of the locals in the market recommended the Orgasmic for lunch. While the sunset approached, we ate a delicious burrito and had chai tee. I thought the first day in Byron was satisfying despite that it was a pretty calm day. Next up is surfing lessons and not at least; skydiving!