Now, everything’s packed.
And tomorrow – tomorrow I’m back in Cape Town where I all began.
I first went to the city of Table Mountain in January 2017. That’s where I began my world travels and that’s why I say “I began there”. Looking back, that’s literally where I began another chapter of my life. Yes, I would even say that I began a new chapter of “me”.
Since then I’ve stopped shopping, stopped drinking, and stopped tanning, but more importantly I’ve broken free from my perfectionism. I’ve started practicing yoga, writing, creating, reading, self-studying. I’ve become a life coach. I’ve found worthiness internally and stopped looking for external validation. I’ve come alive. How do I know? I can feel joy again without having to do or be anything. I’m enough.
I’ve spent the last months making the Bloom Beyond Perfectionism 1-on-1 program to help perfectionists break free from destructive habits and come alive. And why? Because I know how perfectionism can suck life out of us. This program is so special to me because I’ve put my whole heart and soul in it.
Now, I no longer hold perfectionism as a badge of honor. Believe me. I’ve completely trashed the idea of chasing it because it left me empty, it left me lonely, it left me joyless. My world journey was what saved me, awakened me to the fact that we need to practice vulnerability through courage, compassion, and connection in order to live a wholehearted life.
In my opinion, it’s time to speak up about perfectionism and how it hinders our growth. It’s time for a Bloom Beyond Perfectionism revolution. Therefore I’ll spend the whole month of October talking to coaches, psychologists, perfectionists, and powerful people live on Facebook and Instagram. Add me as a friend on Facebook and follow me on Instagram to make sure you get the live stream sessions.
Follow along to Cape Town and Bali for my release of the Bloom Beyond Perfectionism program. And of course lots of travel fun. Also, sign up for Human Sunflower Insight to get this week’s newsletter about personal growth & lifestyle design!
See you in Africa!