Forfriskende og avslappede Manly ligger i nærheten av North Head. Det er det eneste stedet i Sydney hvor du kan ta en ferge for å bade i havet. Det går daglige ferger mellom Circular Quay og Manly – og er helt klart en av Sydneys mest elskede reiser. Jeg dro hit for en dagstur sammen med en venninne og utforsket både strendene, maten og naturen.
/ Refreshingly relaxed Manly occupies a narrow isthmus between ocean and tabour beaches near North Head. It’s the only place in Sydney where you can catch a tabour ferry to swim in the ocean. Regular ferries travel between Circular Quay and Manly – it’s one of Sydney’s best loves journeys. I explored the beaches, the food and the nature together with a friend of mine for a whole day.
The Artisan Cheese Room, 1/40 E Esplanade, Manly NSW 2095
For å nyte Manly til det fulle tok vi turen innom The Artisan Cheese Room. Her kjøpte jeg med meg en piknik-pakke med ulike oster, pølser og oliven. Denne pikniken valgte vi å spise på Sydney’s nest kjente strand som strekker seg nesten to kilometer – nemlig Manly Beach. Sammen med nysgjerrige måker nøt jeg de mange smakene som The Artisan Cheese Room plukket ut for meg.
/ To enjoy Manly to the fullest, we visited The Artisan Cheese Room. Here, I got a picnic package with different sorts of cheeses, sausages and olives. I brought the picnic to eat it by Sydney’s second most known beach that stretches for two kilometers – Manly Beach. Together with curious birds who wanted to crab my food, I enjoyed the delicious cheeses that The Artisan Cheese Room picked for me.
Boathouse, 1 Marine Parade, Manly NSW 2095
Fra Manly Beach kan man se Shelly Beach, som er min personlig favoritt på Manly. Det er en skjermet nordvendt vik bare en kort kilometer gange fra den travle Manly-stranden. Det rolige farvannet beskytter det maritime livet der, så det er flotte vilkår for snorkling. Om man vil spise i dette området er Boathouse et godt alternativ. Her kjøpte jeg meg bare en organisk is som jeg kunne ta med meg videre på gåturen i skogen.
/ From Manly Beach, you’re able to see Shelly Beach to the right. This is my personal favorite, and it is a shelly sheltered north-facing ocean cove is just a short 1 km walk from the busy Manly beach strip. The tranquil waters are a protected haven for marine life, so it offers wonderful snorkeling. To eat, the Boathouse is a good alternative. Here, I bought an organic ice-cream that I could bring while walking in the forrest.
Manly er rett og slett koselig. Mange små kaféer langs sjøen, mindre kaos i gatene og finere utsikter enn i sentrum av Sydney. Fergeturen var i seg selv en opplevelse – nemlig det å kunne se Harbour Bridge, operaen og skyskraperne fra et annet perspektiv. Det er utallige muligheter til å få mest ut av Sydney, men for oss var det tilfredsstillende å være der en dag for å bare gå rundt i byen, skogen og på strendene. Must-do-in-Sydney!
/ Manly is absolutely terrific. Lots of small cafeterias along the ocean, less chaos in the streets and nicer views than in the centre of Sydney. The ferry trip to Manly was absolutely an experience in itself – to get to see the Harbour Bridge, the Opera and the skyscrapers from another perspective. There are countless opportunites to what to do in Sydney, but for us it was satisfiying to spend a day there to just stroll around in the city, the forrest and along the beaches. Just telling you, this is a must-do-in-Sydney!