Det som bare skulle være en lunsj-stopp fra busskjøringen ble en reell amerikansk 60-tallsopplevelse! Stas! For å være helt ærlig er jeg ikke særlig “fan” av burgertendensene her i USA. Kan ikke akkurat si jeg er en fast-food-girl. Gjennom Route 66 var det likevel sjelden noe annet alternativ om man skulle kjøpe seg en matbit. Route 66 er, eller rettere sagt var, en hovedvei i USA. Veien var en del av U.S. Highway System og ble grunnlagt så tidlig som 1926. På vei til Death Valley stoppet vi langs denne veldig berømte strekningen.
/ What was just gonna be a lunch stop during the bus ride became a real American 60’s experience! Amazing! To be honest, I’m not the biggest “fan” of burgers. Can’t really say I’m a fast-food girl. However, through Route 66, there was rarely any other option when you looked for something small to eat. Route 66 is, or rather was, a major road in the United States. The road was part of the US Highway System and was founded as early as 1926. On the way to Death Valley, we stopped along this very famous stretch.
Jeg må innrømme at det var en kul opplevelse å teste den berømte burgershappa. Veggisburgeren var super, men det beste var de ansatte der. Aldri opplevd et så morsomt personale! Videre var det en drøm som gikk i oppfyllelse å få se alle veteranbilene som på så mange måter minnet meg om “Grease”. Fikk også tatt en titt inn i en tidligere barbershappe som har blitt forvandlet til en souvenirbutikk.
/ I have to admit that it was a fun experience to test the famous burger in this famous restaurant or whatever I can call it. The veggie burger was super but the best were the staff there. Never experienced such a funny staff! Furthermore, it was a dream come true to see all the veteran cars. Reminded me so much about “Grease”, oh my god. Also, I got to see a former barbershop which has been transformed into a souvenir shop. So cool.