/ The beautiful, green and magical Yosemite National Park was our net stop on the G Adventures tour. First protected in 1864, Yosemite National Park is best known for its waterfalls, but within its nearly 1,200 square miles, you can find deep valleys, grand meadows, ancient giant sequoias, a vast wilderness area, and much more.
Naturen skilte seg virkelig ut fra alt annet vi har sett i resten av USA så langt. Grønt og frodig, og stort biologisk mangfold. Fikk sett både svartbjørn, hjort og en masse ekorn. Den mest magiske opplevelsen var da jeg kom fram til fossefallet jeg planla å gå til: Fossefallet skapte en ekstremt klar regnbue. Det hele lignet på et maleri, akkurat som ved Grand Canyon. Jeg fikk virkelig følelsen av å være i paradis.
/ The nature really stands out from everything else we have seen in the rest of the USA so far. By contrast, this park was green and lush, and it had a great biodiversity. I even got to see black bear, deer and a lot of squirrels. The most magical experience, though, was when I came to the waterfall I planned to go to: The waterfall created an extremely clear rainbow. It all looked like a painting, just like the Grand Canyon. I really got the feeling of being in paradise.